Last Monday we had dinner at the Davis' house. They are yet another young couple and the husband is just finishing up dental school. They have 2 kids and Sister Davis is pregnant with the 3rd. They are such a cute family. The daughter, V, is 3, I think, and has SO much personality. We could hardly eat our dinner we were laughing so hard. She loves to act older and said things like, "Okay girls, you're welcome any time. You come back now! See you next church day!" Her mom said, "V you have too much energy." and Sister Clark and I were like yeah give us that energy!!! She did this funny thing with her hands and crescendoed while saying, "!"
and she nearly jumped out of her seat. Hahaha it was sooo funny. She also tried to show us her winter dance routine. I felt a little Toddlers and Tiaras-ish.
We ended up dropping ALL of our investigators; some of them actually dropped us. We have been trying to do some finding and have been working a lot with less-actives. We actually had a lesson with a potential investigator named H who we found a couple weeks ago while tracting. Sadly, I wasn't there for the lesson because we were on exchanges, but I'm excited to teach him tonight!
We were at sites on Tues. and Thurs. as usual. We have helped set up the nativity display a lot! We are all so excited for it to open the day after Thanksgiving! There is going to be a big lighting ceremony with the mayor and different people and a lot of musical performances (: Also, on this Tues. there is a special Thanksgiving program put on by the Community of Christ in the Kirtland temple that we are going to. The Kirtland VC sisters are going to sit in the choir seats and sing a couple musical numbers, one with the stake choir. It should be good!
But maybe a little weird haha.
We saw a cute less-active couple who are in their late 80s. Well the wife isn't actually a member. But the husband has stopped coming because the boundaries were changed and he doesn't go to church in Kirtland anymore and he is not too pleased lol. "Kirtland is my home Phoebe!" (quote from the Kirtland movie we show at the VC.) I have that WHOLE thing memorized and Sister Clark and I always find appropriate uses for the quotes from it. I mean, who needs Pitch Perfect or Mean Girls quotes when I can quote the Kirtland movie? Am I right or am I right?....
Yeah, welcome to my life. Good thing I love Kirtland! (:
We had dinner at Sister D's house again and are gearing up for the cookie swap! I really hope that the recipe you sent me isn't expensive because 12 dozen cookies is A LOT of cookies...We can count the baking time as service hours right? ;) I mean, we are fellowshipping a less-active...Haha jk, but I really have no idea where we are going to find the time to do that...
On Thursday we were supposed to be at Sites, but I had my doctor's appointment and it ended up taking the whole day haha. To save on miles and gas, we asked one of the senior couples, the Pike's to take us. It was their P-day so I felt really bad, but they were more than willing. I felt extra bad because after the doctor's visit I had to go to the hospital to get some blood work that they couldn't do there. I'm getting really good at getting my blood drawn and Sister Clark is getting really good at talking me through it (: I've heard all about her Senior prom and some dang good dates! Anyway, we didn't have a GPS so it took a while to find the right place...After that was all over with, they wanted to stop by Costco on the way home. Luckily Sites is SOOOO slow these days so they really didn't miss us. We ate all the samples of couse. Elder Pike was so funny and didn't want to miss one cart! They insisted on buying us a pumpkin pie and we just couldn't refuse! Then they treated us to Chipotle and we ate the pie at their house. They said I deserved it hahaha ;)
No new Kirtland sisters came last transfer and no new Kirtland sisters are coming this transfer! Whaaatt! There are 3 leaving this transfer so our numbers are going down, but like I said, no one is visiting either. I'm sure there will be tons more Kirtland sisters before summer.
One of the companionships were deciding awards for all the Kirtland sisters...
I won best hair and best nose....niiiiccee.
We are very rarely around Elders and when we are there's not a whole lot of interaction.
We volunteered at the assisted living center again and it was awesome. I talked to my favorite 99 year old Katherine. She's the one who said the secret to a long life is, "Haaaard work!" I wish you could hear her voice when she says that hahaha. She is like 4 feet tall and has outlived all of her 10 children. I love her so much and I love talking to her, although she is really embarrassed that she is hard of hearing. I hope I can be there for her 100th birthday in May. Her favorite president was Roosevelt and she liked to do the waltz. She has such a sharp mind! We are volunteering there on Thanksgiving morning.
First time scraping snow off a car! |
This week was the Primary Program! It was perfect as usual! On her way up, (a little girl in her ward) handed Sister Clark and I the cutest drawing! That night, we ate dinner at the Wilde's and they invited us over every Wednesday for "WildeWednesday." How fun!!! They have six kids and the youngest was just born ((: Brother Wilde is an endodontist and is really musical. Sister Clark forced me to play for them. I wanted to die. DIE! It's over now...that's what I keep telling myself.
It's snowy and freezing freezing and SO awesome here! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! (: