This week has had the most ups and downs for sure.
We stayed the first night at the mission home and spent the next day touring Kirtland with all of the other missionaries that came in on our flight. We are the luckiest missionaries ever because Carl Anderson directed our tour! He knows everything there is to know about Kirtland! Elder Maxwell asked him to write a book specifically on the Savior's appearances in Kirtland and he also has a book about Joseph Smith in Kirtland. His knowledge of the Doctrine and Covenants is incomparable and it was a rare occurrence that the Community of Christ let him teach us about the Kirtland Temple from the Doctrine and Covenants while inside the temple.
We learned that there is NO place on the earth more sacred than the Prophet Joseph's office in the highest level of the Kirtland Temple and the School of the Prophets above the Newel K. Whitney store that the church owns. Second only to the holy land of Jerusalem due to the countless times the Father and the Son have appeared in those two places as well as in numerous other places in the land of Kirtland. That really hit me. Every time I give a tour in the School of the Prophets I am overwhelmed knowing I am teaching in the place where the Prophet Joseph, the Savior of the world, and our loving Father in Heaven have all taught.
It was a once in a lifetime day of learning about the Savior and the Father, about the early saints, and about the significance of this area. He gave us a fascinating handout of Kirtland prophesies that have come, or are coming to pass. I feel so honored to have been chosen to serve at such a place. Kirtland will be built up in the last day (D&C 124:83), what a responsibility the missionaries here in Ohio have to help bring that to pass and to prepare for the Savior!
My companion is Sister Clark and she has been out for 6 months. She is the sunshine of my life! She is so sweet and kind and we get along really well! I feel so lucky! We also have another Sister with us. She is our temporary companion. Her name is Sister Mitchell and she has been out for 9 months. That makes us a trio, or as I like to say, triceracomps (: Sister Mitchell is our temporary companion because Sister Clark and I are both new to the area and Sister Mitchell has been here for a while so she knows the ward and the investigators! It is great to have someone to phase us in!
This weekend marks the 10th anniversary of the dedication of the Kirtland Visitor's Center. We will be honored to have Elder Ballard come to speak to us VC sisters on Friday, Saturday for the adult session, and Sunday for Stake Conference!!!! I think it is so cool that he is allowing us to come to what they're calling the "VIP" meeting on Friday. I think he is actually coming to the Visitor's Center to meet with us! I am soooo excited! (: Before conference we had brunch at the Salmon's house. They are a family in our ward. Bro. Salmon said he would tag us in a pic on FB.
Conference was as awesome as always! Sadly I only got to hear one talk on Saturday :( All of the VC sisters who were assigned to work on Sat. were all curled up with blankets and snacks in one of the theaters at the VC. It was so fun! Until people kept coming in wanting tours -__- Hence I only got to see one talk. I didn't mind it when non-members came in for tours, but I had no sympathy for the members! They knew they should be watching! Instead they weren't and we didn't get to either.
It was, however, a miracle day. On Friday a lady named L, a non-member, came into the VC and we took her on a tour of the Newel K. Whitney store because she didn't have enough time for the whole thing. She felt the spirit SO strong in the School of the Prophets and when we told her the floor boards were original in the Revelation Room, the same ones that a Prophet of God walked and prayed on she took of her shoes and ran her feet along the wood. Her faith was inspiring. Afterwards she asked if she could bring her two daughters the next day. We were so excited!!! She brought her daughters and it was an amazing day. The tour took twice as long as Sister Clark and I taught the doctrine throughout the tour. Her sweet daughters, 8 and 10, felt the testifying of the Holy Ghost. They said, "I feel like my heart It's tingling!" "I think someone is giving me a hug right now." That family was prepared to receive the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. While in the School of the Prophets on of the little girls said she never wanted to leave because it was the best feeling of her whole life. Sister Clark and I were struggling to hold back our tears as we watched the testimonies of this family grow throughout the tour. They have agreed to meet with the missionaries in their area and we will continue to keep in contact with them (:
I also saw Sister Secrest! Unfortunately I was on another tour, but it was fun that she came to Kirtland! :D
Another investigator we are meeting with is slow to understand principles as it appears that his brain as been damaged from heavy substance abuse. Sister Mitchell said he is also schizophrenic, but I can't tell if that's true. He has spent a portion of his life in prison and has endured many difficult situations. How wonderful the power of the Atonement. I am excited to continue working to help him overcome his addictions and help him find happiness though the gospel. Our last lesson with him his brother's girlfriend came in and shared her inspiring story about overcoming addiction. She has felt Heavenly Father in her life as she has over come many of the same addictions as Scott. It was a miracle that she decided to listen to the lesson on that particular day. I really hope that she will continue to listen to the lessons and increase her faith.
Sun porch in the house I live in! |
My address is 7800 Kirtland-Chardon Rd. Kirtland, OH 44094 You should put it on the address tab of my blog because my mail just goes to the VC. I love you and miss you! Wish I had more time! I'm going to send a hand written letter too! I am going to use my debit card to buy a voice recorder because I HATE writing in my journal. I'm praying there's money on it. xoxoxoxox Write me hand-written letters! I love those! I still haven't heard from my sibs! miss you! crying right now! xoxoxo
(Sister Mohler and her companion live in a lovely little antique house. She said, "It's so roomy and all to ourselves! There are two floors, a basement, an attic, but one bathroom. It is really old and cutely historic inside." She sent a picture which I will not post due to safety reasons, but it is a darling house!)
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