It really doesn't matter who owns the Kirtland temple. No matter what, it is still a dedicated building, it was never un-dedicated. It was built by faithful and obedient saints and Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father appeared there many times. Their spirit can still be felt if you soften your heart and listen. The Kirtland temple stands as a silent witness of those who sacrificed and dedicated their lives to Jesus Christ so that we could enjoy the blessings of the restored gospel and the temple today.
Some of Sister Mohler's favorite people |
We weekly planned then went to the Visitor's Center to learn a bunch of different ways to tie a scarf with all the senior sisters lololololol....
Then Elder Sorensen gave a really amazing devotional on personal revelation. Elder Sorenson is such a great person. He has lead an amazing life of service for the church and has a great relationship with the Lord. Whenever I need to ask him for something, I just ask him to do it whenever he has time, or when it's convenient for him. He says it's always convenient for him and that he always has time! (Which is really just not true). But I love that example of always finding time to do something for someone else.
For example, he is a photographer and offered to take Christmas pictures of all the Kirtland sisters to send home! They are so so so cute and it really brightened up this holiday time away from home for me (:
President and Sister Vellinga |
The Friday after Thanksgiving was the grand opening of the nativity display and Christmas lighting ceremony. All the Kirtland sisters sang a few numbers and the mayor, Elder Sorenson, President Vellinga, and President Hayman (sp?) spoke. It was so fun and it was packed! With the flip of a switch the entire Kirtland Sites lit up with Christmas lights! Families from all over walked through the historic village to look at the lights and play in the snow then went inside the VC to admire the hundreds of nativities. Mine was a fan favorite ;) But really it was.
The number one thing I miss is wearing jeans.
-Sister Mohler
-Sister Mohler
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