Another week down! Where does the time go? Last monday we went to
the Smith's for a Christmas recital/party/jam sesh. It was so super fun! People
performed and we all sang carols and had lots of treats. I totally want to do
that some day! I also got a super nice package from Lori Burr on Monday! She
sent me candy and pajamas an pens and slippers and totally went all out!
You know I love getting packages! :)
You know I love getting packages! :)
On Tuesday we slaved all morning making 12, yes TWELVE dozen
cookies for a cookie exchange at the home of a less-active. As we went along
making them the cookies got smaller and smaller because we were running out of
dough-haha! The swap was preceded by a gourmet lunch. Sis. D lives for
party planning-ha! Also, our old investigator A told us she's finally
getting married and invited us to the wedding! We are really hoping to start
teaching her again. We had dinner with the Johnson's and we adore them! The best
part about eating with members is the funny things their kids say. We are
always crying, laughing at the Johnson's. Their kids are crazy!
On Friday we ate with the Salmon's and it was so yummy as usual!
Most of our dinners are amazing in this ward. Sis. Clark's Garmin broke about a week ago and boy it's been a little
rough! Luckily I learned a new map reading talent! Brother Salmon lent us his
Garmin to put us out of our misery so we were thankful. :) I probs could have
earned my map reading merit badge, no?
On Sunday Sis. Clark gave a talk in Sacrament meeting and shared
her mom's conversion story. It was really good! We also taught a lesson on
reaching out to less-actives in young womens and helped them with the Good
Works value experience #7. We ate dinner at the Wilde's. We love them a ton and
were so excited that they signed up for us on Christmas! Their kids are so
cute. Their 5-year-old and 8-year-old wrote us very sweet letters
while we were there. Someone sent Sis. Clark a DVD of Liz Lemon paintings set to
the song "What Child Is This?" and we have been sharing it for member
lessons. It's really beautiful.
We got the happy news that Sis. Clark and I are staying together
another transfer! Yay! But sad news is that we're moving. We started at the
C-Home on the hill, then moved to where we're at now, and now I think we
are moving to another historic home. I hate moving, but it's so cool to live in
these historic houses!
Sister Mohler